The Warrant of Hotspur Lodge is dated 13th June 1876 and granted the petition of eight named Freemasons to constitute Hotspur Lodge. The consecration took place on 28th September 1876, when the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for Northumberland (The Earl Percy – Later the Seventh Duke of Northumberland) summoned the Annual General Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge for that and other purposes. The first candidate was initiated into the Lodge on 12th October 1876.
Hotspur Lodge was colloquially known as the ‘Quayside’ Lodge due to the fact that the majority of brethren were engaged in marine commerce and engineering. Consequently Hotspur Lodge brethren have been widely dispersed around the United Kingdom and abroad throughout the Lodge’s history. One member of the Lodge who was initiated into Hotspur Lodge in 1901, later became the District Grand Treasurer of Japan.
Hotspur Lodge has been by tradition an ‘invitation only’ Lodge and in matter of dress it has, since its inception in 1876, loyally obeyed the wishes of the Founders to attend all meetings in ‘Evening Costume’.